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REACT Developer

Clinic Management software that makes booking and rebooking multiple appointments simple and pain free.


Hey, your first impression was great. Now it’s time for some action. With the following assignment, you can show us what you got. The case tests your competencies regarding development and gives us an idea of how well you come up with solutions.

– You have 48 to 72 hours to complete the assignment. If no completion date has been agreed on with you, try to complete the assignment within a week (if your interview is very soon – do your best, we won’t be sad if you don’t bring your assignment, however it certainly helps).

– Put your code on GitHub (or Gitlab, Bitbucket, etc.) and send us the link to your repository where we can find both the source code and the compiled version. That means no ZIP files.

– Please make sure that we can run the code on our computers by including a readme. (that includes which versions we need to use for example)


• Create a react application that integrates Apollo Client and connects to
• Then display all the past SpaceX missions with images, names, and relevant data the API provides in a grid layout
• When you click on a box it should go to a different page where it will show details of the rocket used.
• On that page at the right sidebar we can add comments for every mission
• To accomplish this, create a database where we will save those comments

Bonus Points For

• Using atomic design principles
• Integrate ant. design or MaterialUI to make its looks of better
• Using typescript and provide type definitions

Super Bonus Points For

Creating a database for the comments mentioned in the assignment